Freelancers of


Gang: 2020

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Frontline Yodha

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Where you can Locate us?

If you see a group of 3 to 6 people wandering on the road @ 2:00 am in the morning, that means you have found them. On the right hand side is a sample image. Warning stay away stay safe.


Coming Soon

Portfolio Details

  • Pet Name

    You have been remembered for...
  • Social Media

    TikTok, Tinder, Wechat...
  • 3+ Hobbies

    Things you do for timepass...
  • Technology Stack

    You are not good at...
  • Address

    To avoid you...
  • Work At

    Company that you will bankrupt...


For reading My PPT/Website. Looking for such innovative webites drop a mail at any address. Want to add your (GECA)friends in ppt don't contact me.

@Tony (#HotspotName)
@MarvelFan (#Forever)
@NotOnSocialMedia (#Privacy)